Saturday, January 2, 2010

Reactive Arthritis Can Anyone Tell Me More About Reiter's Syndrom Or Better Known As Reactive Arthritis?

Can anyone tell me more about Reiter's syndrom or better known as Reactive Arthritis? - reactive arthritis

I saw the doctor yesterday to get the MRI results. My back is good, except that where my spine meets my hips are much inflammation. My doctor says it is Reiter's syndrome, often known as "reactive arthritis. Can anyone tell me how this condition has been meaning to their lives, is it just something curable or treatable?" I had to do a lot of blood work to get certain look at things as HLR-B27 or inhibitors can not be confirmed with the disease. I am about what happened will be affected. I suffered from back pain for years and sometimes I am not capable of doing simple things like bending do, and others. Walking is sometimes a problem. Can someone help me clear up what to expect with this disease and also the process?

1 comment:

  1. This seems a decent place to answer many of your questions: 20art% 20of% ...
