Friday, January 29, 2010

Trs Downtown 2 Review Are Rollerblader TRS Downtown 2 Aggressive Skates Good For Beginners?

Are rollerblader TRS downtown 2 aggressive skates good for beginners? - trs downtown 2 review

I just started skating and inline skating, I wondered if some were good for beginners, and I could't some inner cities is the first time in my size

1 comment:

  1. Downtown 2 are the same as the inner cities of origin, only a different color. Rollerblade skates like a novice should vote. They have plenty of room to grind and have a good flex you should thus be able to learn things more easily than with a rigid flange. As a beginner would be my only recommendation is not too much money on a skateboard. Once you're really into it, and you want to customize a skateboard, go ahead, but now has a Rollerblade skate out of the box well.

    If you are interested in more information on skates, I have a site with some great resources.

    Happy skating.
