Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Alot Of Clear Cm A Week Prior To Period CM Increase, Tested Too Early?

CM increase, tested too early? - alot of clear cm a week prior to period

Hello to all. My husband and I are TTC after a miscarriage 2 months ago at 5 weeks. My last period was 29 to 5 November in December and my cycle is about 33-35 day duration, but with ovulation days 14-16. We had sex every day or every 2 days since my time. I have no symptoms, unless the excessive discharge / cm. It's not like consistency ovualting elastic, but it is thin, odorless, colorless or creamy, almost milky. It is as if I peed my pants! This happened for maybe 3-4 days now.

20 minutes ago I did a test just because I'm impatient (I know, I know ...). See where negative. Now I know it's too early, because I am not even my period of at least one week (about 31 December) to January 3.

Has anyone had a lot of CM (cervical mucus) as one of their first symptoms? Do you think it is an opportunity came for me, but too early to test?

Thank you all!

1 comment:

  1. It's certainly a possibility that just the egg and sperm cell at this point to be, but that implementation was very unlikely for the moment. It could become pregnant in any event before the end of the month, but the test was too early. I know it's hard to be patient to wait, but at least until the first day of the period. Do not try to worry, enjoy the holiday and a good test (some of the research are not all equal), then you have a good, if the trust will be tested again. Furthermore, the description of the CM, which is already ovulating and fertile period has expired. It will thicken as you spend your time in the vicinity.
