Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Water Guns Water Guns????

Water guns???? - water guns

Although I personally do not like and do not buy my children a toy gun, but do not judge other parents, the children play with it and admit when my children are not with me, and I learned that the game with one that I know, Mom would not play with him, but I know I can not stop playing with them, so I just do not buy too

And that is my question .... I received an email from my daughters saying that there is a beach party in the nursery and children's toys can bring beach including water pistols ...
Even if I do not ...
say one days before the party a further e-mail, that the father has requested and obtained that no water pistols at the party ... I was furious .... it expresses their opinion about us, what does notRight, even if I agree .. I could not talk details, because my daughter is in summer, but when it comes ... What is your opinion?

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