Friday, February 19, 2010

What To When Employees Breach Confidentiality What Laws And Ethics Apply When Computer Office Memos To Higher Ups Are Breached?

What laws and ethics apply when computer office memos to higher ups are breached? - what to when employees breach confidentiality

If you a note to a supervisor and then amonst other employees heard together with similar content, you know, there is a problem. Even if a high-tech equipment or someone
Access to your mail and the like, may, these misinterpreted
they have seen or read others.I would think that at least
Ethics and a violation of privacy laws.


  1. It is a gray area. First, all messages sent or stored in an enterprise system that owns the company. This includes everything from corporate data to work their personal photos on your PC. This also applies to e-mail communications. Corporate actions are very different in comparison to e-mail and in most cases do not exist officially. IT administrators can take upon himself to read e-mails, but they run the risk of trust among the users. When I come to you and said he was not to ask how someone's e-mail with the boss, when I read your e-mail, too?

    Set up as a manager myself, I've never defeat the access permissions to protect senior or go to an e-mail account, unless expressly provided for by the administration charge. And yet, read no access to information, butto see who had asked him to check, too. There are laws that apply here, but does not protect you, the user. They protect the society. If you can show (that's the hardest part) for the IT Management Guy was where it should not cause the Company not only for the dismissal, but in some cases for criminal reasons.

    The Fund, the only protection you may be the case if the e-mail sent from a personal e-mail account outside the company. So, legally it is a private communication. And even if the company wrong to allow this type of monitoring your e-mail, are not likely too. A direct conversation with the direction the camera is probably the best choice. I would not harm peoplemgmt gen what happened, and this should set alarm bells that reads the type of computer your e-mails!

  2. Not against the confidentiality, if it is the same company, only a violation of company policy. If you believe that someone will be e-mails without permission of the company, the report by Human Resources.
