Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sapphire I Love Money Looking At Engagement Rings, But Already Married?

Looking at engagement rings, but already married? - sapphire i love money

My husband and I wanted money for a house when we save married, he proposed a simple ring with sapphire. I love it.

Of course, after years of marriage, and we are completely free of debt (other than a mortgage!, Lol), we have decided to upgrade my ring, because my first really be worn. (If no sarcastic comment, it's something we should do and can afford to do).

The fact is that when I go to a jeweler, I always feel very uncomfortable, because we are already married. I do not know how they explain why we see engagement rings! See also our wedding and I wonder what they think!

Anyone else in this situation? How do you manage? What is the best way to look at engagement rings, if you appear to have been committed in the past?


  1. Well, if it were me, would be honest lol 100% with the jeweler if desired. Tell them you're there a bit of an update!

    Who cares what they think, not really your business, you know? They are there to get what you want:)

    If you do not, but you can always your wedding ring during a stop at the store ... Make sure, however, that this ring is the perfect book your band:)

    Good luck! And people do not hear about the update, is blah, blah ... terrible The ring is a symbol of their commitment to each other, and consider how you want to see it!

  2. I have not updated often, but I can understand that you want something new, because it was the plan on the whole, and her beautiful sapphire ring is introduced to me, we snarkiness =]
    Do not believe him as an engagement ring, because not one, and probably not feel so uncomfortable. Is it your birthday around? If so, you can always an anniversary ring.

  3. Who cares what others think? You have nothing to anyone explain. They go further and try a few new rings if that's what you do. The seller would not care for the Commission's happy about their reasons for the purchase, about anything.

  4. with rings and heart outside of marriage is no GD idea really is a story that rings jewelry and u'll never be worried comingback's New!
    or do you think what others think of you too, just relax and enjoy the Token Ring UR:))

  5. What happens if you put a new sapphire ring. This way you always have the memory of the Ring of age but is more durable. You might need a band that corresponds to your wedding trousseau.

  6. Online test instead. Ask for Jan or Brad

    We have an agreement awesome!


  7. Tell them you are ready to update it. I have the fix and the best deals online.

  8. Updates are very, very common. Tell jewelers who you are looking for a ring of the renovation, and will be more than happy to help you:)

  9. It never feels like the other ring is the engagement ring. The ring he gave when he asked her to marry him can not be replaced. Even if you reset the stone and add diamonds do not have the same ring he gave her away.

    Just get a ring. When you connect a new ring must be something special, something important to him. Renewal of vows. Or is it an anniversary ring.

    If you money to buy what you think rather not tell you about something, a supplier. Hey, maybe this kind of shopping you can pay with your husband can not? And in the end be only one! Is not it beautiful?

  10. My parents would ring again, after he had been married for ten years
    The first was nice, but my stepfather, my mother has a new ring as a birthday present
    And he received two pieces from the quantity [[engagement ring and wedding ring]] and my stepfather is a wedding ring that the ring my mother's Games

    This is not unusual!
    that no matter what they think and are curious to ask him if he could only say that her husband and is looking for new rings

    I think if I have been married a few years, I want to buy wedding rings: D

    should not be embarrassed or something
    : D

  11. First, although it is difficult to do, do not worry about what may or may not think of too. Ultimately, does not really matter, and my friend is still worthwhile) in the company (in this tough economy, if they make enough, the fact that you feel uncomfortable, I my money elsewhere. Secondly, to know if you feel justify its actions, then man in order to let them that you called. I will say once more in these difficult economic times we must be grateful to have the affairs of a client that you and your man Even if you do feel unwell, her business elsewhere, I would.

  12. Do not worry what people think! So many people these days are updated rings for very different reasons! Some rings are Hand Me Downs family and old .. Increasingly, others are the latest and greatest! 1 And people like me do not borrow for a wedding, rather than spend a fortune on wedding rings bought at Walmart! They are beautiful and I love and appreciate it .. But my husband and I talked later about the upgrade, if we have more money to have something better! It was a mutual agreement and are not so materialistic person works for us! When you say the jeweler modernization should be no problem! Good luck and have fun shopping: 0)
